Verbal reasoning 3

[Verbal reasoning 3]

Directions: In each of the following questions,there is a certain relationship between two given wordson one side of : : and one word is given on another side of : :while another word is to be found from the given alternatives, having the same relation with this word as the words of the given pair bear. Choose the correct alternative.

21. Water : Convection : : Space : ?





Ans: (D)

Explanation: Second is the mode of transference of heat by the first .

22. Growth : Death : : Increase : ?





Ans: (D)

Explanation: Second puts an end to the activity denoted by the first .

23. Oxygen : Burn : : Carbon dioxide : ?





Ans: (C)

Explanation: Oxygen helps in burnings while carbon dioxide extinguished fires .

24. Dog : Bark : : Goat : ?





Ans: (A)

Explanation: Second is noise produced by the first .

25. Grain : Stock : : Stick : ?





Ans: (B)

Explanation: Second is collection of the first .

26. Nurture : Neglect : : Denigrate : ?





Ans: (B)

Explanation: The words in each pair are antonyms .

27. Planet : Orbit : : Projectile : ?



(C)Milky way 


Ans: (A)

Explanation: Second is the path traced by the first .

28. Genuine : Authentic : : Mirage : ?





Ans: (D)

Explanation: The words in each pair are synonyms .

29. Cobbler : Leather : : Carpenter : ?





Ans: (B)

Explanation: Second is the raw material used by the first .

30. Rupee : Indian : : Yen : ?





Ans: (D)

Explanation: Rupee is the currency of India . Similarly , Yen is the currency of Japan .

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